Thursday, October 28, 2010

Linsey Dawn Mckenzie Wheding

made in Extremadura - Crown patatera bread!

What I have forgotten the blog lately, if I have no forgiveness! These last two weeks have "no" enjoyed Fall Break from school, our dear virus was Rodri making mischief, but I'm already tired of us and the end (and I mean not very high and if I hear!) seems to have left us, I assure you that nothing we have not cried at all, and no we miss him, that if you do not!! And in the second week we had visitilla of friends, a bit short but wonderful! So after returning to the routine, look at that hard to adapt, hahaha, my legs are in front and the rest very far behind! But I think I found my way and I'll put up with everything, and the first thing my dear blog!
Do not lie if I say I've been prescribing weeks thinking to do to participate in the contest organized Extreme Quality and sponsor Jacoliva , Ham Baptist House Seur and if I dreamed about it and everything! I had to do something that is nice, that well-appreciate the product of my country that I love, to be good and to give us ayyy nooooo interests ... I've made a mess that is the bank account announced in TV! hahahaha, come on, I wanted this super recipe that appeals to everyone and everything that I leave not a crumb on the plate. And looking at the weekly magazine Super Coop, I found, some ingredients and voila varié already had what I was looking for. I do not know if I have succeeded, but those who have tried it all they have said has been a mhmmmmmmmm, yum, yum ... is more?? And the smell that was in the house while cooking?? Now, that was glorious, hahaha, I was transported to Cáceres in the twinkling of an oven! It's an easy recipe, resultón and also perfect for transport back to camp, picnic, as a starter or pecking at a brunch for example. We're not going to cheat, no longer a bread stuffing, but I think the grace of this recipe is the shape of the bread, which is provided by the gugelhopf cake mold, but if you do not have this mold, you can use any you like it! One can see that winter comes, the days are growing shorter and I have less light, so I feel that this is the last entry on the outside, is that neither you imagine how cold it is!
Hope you like it and especially that prepare yourselves!


* 500g white bread flour

* 20g fresh yeast bread

* sourdough 100g (this ingredient is dispensable)

* 3 tablespoons white wine

* 2 tablespoons finely chopped fresh rosemary

* 2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil

* 1 1 / 2 teaspoons salt

* 3dl sparkling water (the amount depends on the moisture of the flour)

* oil paint pan

* 2 sprigs of rosemary to decorate

Filling: 120g
* patatera Iberian sausage

* 1 clove garlic

* 2 large onions

* 1 large bell pepper

* 80g raisins

* 2 large tomatoes
* 50g olives

* pepper to taste

* thyme to taste, salt, pepper and a pinch of sugar


1. In a large bowl or kneading machine to be placing all the ingredients of bread dough, go slowly joining the sparkling water until dough is elastic and smooth. Let the mixture stand for 1 hour or until doubled in volume covered with a dry cloth and place in still air. While preparing the filling so much going for it in a skillet poached go minced garlic, onion and bell pepper julienne, salt and pepper and thyme together, let brown well, then join peeled and chopped tomatoes, a dash of tomato , bell pepper and raisins and cook until water is absorbed from tomatoes, reserve and let cool.
Paint gugelhopf mold shape with the base oil and sprinkle with rosemary sprigs.

2. Once folded the dough, roll out with the help of a rolling pin to get a rectangle, spread filling, chopped patatera accommodate and olives cut in half, roll the dough like a Swiss roll, cut the loop by center vertically and twist gently roll to enclose the filling, fit the mold and let stand covered with a dry cloth for 30 minutes. Pre-heated oven at 200 ° C, bake 35 minutes gugelhopf the lower shelf.

A recipe and easily adapted to the tastes of each, you are quite free to use the fill that you like, come on, there's no excuse not to do it, but if you have not ever tasted patatera, here's an opportunity to use this wonderful, tasty and terrific sausage of my beloved land. What you enjoy the bridge and Castanyada !!!!! What do you enjoy!!

I wanted to fire without spending the recipe to my sister, Sonia, and my brother Raul for me in yesterday's aunt again, kiss for them and me Aldric precious nephew, you'll see when you grow up the cookies and breads that you will prepare your aunt hahaha!

Saturday, October 16, 2010

How To Use Hagerty Silver Cleaner

Abraccio - Wheels of bread to the two chocolates and the smell of bread

If there is a day that is a pleasure to make bread, is just today, the day of the Pan intenacional! ! Is the staple of our diet, how could you not spend one day?. If you've read a bit my blog, you know my passion in the development of this wonderful food, is that I love as four ingredients can create a product so exceptional. So it is a pleasure to resume our journey with my friends Pañil group Smell Pan Roasting a special day today and muffins as good, colorful and so simple. And with a name suggestive of sea, Abraccio, the embrace which are so loving these two masses of black and white chocolate, the hug that I gave mine to try and eat them hahaha. My kids ended up with the tray in one sitting, well aided by his father, hahaha, and attached to a glass of milk, I said they could have tea and three times a day! I tell you that my son Marc, the only thing eaten in the past three days, the poor horse has an ear infection and it hurts to fuzz mustache, and these muffins to be so tender and not have to force the jaw has been pearls. The truth is I do not mean anything about our beloved virus, passing it, how does my friend Rosa, if I talk about it in the end we forget to feel ignored, so I keep quiet and very wise advice.

about back to post with these cool baking Laura, Paula and Sílvia not miss his Abraccio that are sure to have been a great time !!!!!

is a very easy recipe with simple ingredients and a nice result in the sea. With the cold that lie ahead are great for making muffins with hot chocolate or coffee.


base Dough
* 500g strong flour

* 10g of salt

* 280ml warm water

* 15g fresh yeast bread

* 20g butter

* 100g of my liquid sourdough (personal donation)

For the mass of black chocolate bread

* 400g mass base

black chocolate * 80g 70%

* 20g cocoa powder

* 40g candied orange

For the mass of white chocolate

* 400g mass base

* 80g white chocolate

* 40g raisins


1. Prepare the dough base with all the ingredients, divide the resulting dough into two equal parts and add each ingredient for the two types of chocolate dough and knead again until well integrated. Let stand two separate bodies covered with a clean damp cloth for 45 minutes.

2. Pull the two masses separately to achieve a thickness of 1.5 cm and a rectangular shape. Paint with water the mass of black chocolate and place on top of bread dough with white chocolate. Roll the joint to form a cylinder as tight as possible. Let stand for 15 minutes.

3. Cut with a serrated knife portions of dough and place on the base of the furnace apart. Let rise for 1 hour covered with a clean damp cloth in a warm place without drafts. Preheat oven to 250 ° C and placed inside a pot of water and cloths to create steam. Once we have levied rolls down the oven temperature to 220 ° C and left to bake for 16-18 minutes.

If you want you can modify the ingredients to the chocolate mass, such as in the original recipe by Xavier Barriga the white chocolate pistachio joins him bare. I said, I wish you a happy day of bread and that you enjoy!!