Before we realize we are engaged fully in the holiday season, with all that that entails, if you buy, gifts, organizing the house, who gets the 25 food preparation? Oysters up to me and I have no idea that I can put repajolera pecking for all !!!!... sure more than one and two you have met in this situation right?? Well here are the Cooking Challenge to the rescue to bring you some recipes to look good and give you ideas to put on your table this holiday !!!!! I ask as superhero catwoman lol, joking aside, not that I say to cook, but a starter bags that idea adapted to the tastes of yours may be right. Do not lie if I say that the starters are fun to do, but with organization and left everything prepared in advance mount is seen and unseen.
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The proposal for this month is really different from all previous ones, has given free rein in terms of starters, do not set a ingredient essential, if they had to be cold or hot, easy or difficult, ... free will, imagination to power! And what I liked is that all we have maintained a total silence on what we have prepared, nobody has any idea which recipes we have for today's post, so I now I have my notebook and my pen ready to super in as they give 16 hours myself taking notes like crazy with my super cookings recetillas Rosa, Lourdes , Ly , Núria , Maragda , M ° Jose Merce and returning back to the blogger world after months of absence, and only so one feels more than happy !!!!!!
Today I'm not much wind, the entry has telita jajajaja seafood is long like crazy, but would not start no apologies for my long absence, I will not let loose a roll ranker about how bad I've been, nor do I want, for I do not think or look back to remember, now I close these past few weeks in the recesses of my brain and look ahead with great gusto and enthusiasm, who Forewarned is forearmed, prepare to be hiking Elvi for your blogs and I'm armed with an exaggerated verbiage to leave thousands of comments to ataaaaqueeeer !!!!!! jajajajaja !!!!! Now let as we come, sit comfortably, have a good cafelito cerquita, tea or water, and get ideas!
* 300g cooked prawns
* 4 limes
* cilantro and fresh parsley * 1
fresh chives * 1 green pepper
1 red pepper yellow pepper * half *
paprika, salt, pepper, cumin and pinch grated fresh ginger (all to taste)
* olive oil * salt
rum mint
* * brown sugar
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- Chop cooked shrimp reserving a few whole for garnish, chopped peppers, onion, parsley, cilantro, salt and pepper, to unite the species to taste, lime juice, extra virgin olive oil and mix well, marinate in the refrigerator. While preparing the shot, you can put mojito, vozka with what you like best ... in my case, crushed mint leaves with brown sugar and rum together lime juice, keep on ice. Moisten the edges of the glass and wipe salt flakes, to serve the drink pouring, placing over half an empty file with the ceviche inside and decorate with whole shrimp and sprinkled paprika.
know that ceviche is not a full-blown, and you all have this wonderful recipe, but it's my version for those who can not take what you can eat raw fish without any problem. Recipe
Hola - especially kitchen.
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* 200g smoked salmon
* 2 large avocados
* cilantro, dill, salt, pepper
fresh chives * 1
* lemon juice *
caviar substitute
* olive oil *
creme fraiche
- Chop the salmon and mix with chopped dill, half the chopped fresh chives (you can include chopped gherkins, capers ...) and set aside. Peel and chop the avocado and mix with chopped onion and cilantro, a good squeeze of lemon juice and olive oil and season. In a shot glass or larger in the bottom place salmon, avocado mixture on top and finish with fresh cream and caviar substitute.
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* thick slices of ham quality
* spreadable fresh cheese (Philadelphia type)
blue cheese 2 tablespoons white vermouth
* apricots, prunes, raisins, olives, surimi ..
- Mixing the two types of cheese (do not put quantities, according to personal taste), join white vermouth (removed if they consume the most kids in the house) and set aside. On the slice of ham carefully spread the cheese mixture and place on center line dried apricots (or prunes pitted raisins or olives, surimi for example, each roll with a different main ingredient) the tightly enrolláis, envolvéis with plastic wrap and then aluminum foil to form a coil and freezer. One hour before serving, remove from freezer, cut into slices (to be so cold is easier to cut and does not fall apart) and serve over slices of toast.
This recipe is from my grandmother Basi, more than twenty years I taught it, so a hard kiss and a hug for those who drown grandmother prettiest and best cook in the whole world!
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* 8 \u200b\u200bfresh figs
Iberian ham * nuts *
a good blue cheese
* 40g mi-cuit foie
* 1 / 2 tablespoon of natural yogurt
* pepper * Sugar
- Clean and make a center cut in 4 figs, filled with blue cheese and walnuts, wrapped with a good acorn ham. Servir.Receta William Sonoma
- In the other 4 figs, cut the hat and with the help of a spoon sink a little meat and reserve. Mix the yogurt with foie and pepper, place on the figs, sprinkle with sugar and burn with a torch or oven under the grill on high for 30 seconds. Arzak recipe
In this series of recipes, I have taken some mixing ingredients to go and see other possibilities. I hope you like!
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* cod brandade
* 2 cans red peppers
* 2 garlic cloves
* sugar, salt, pepper
cooking cream bread *
artichoke chips
- In a pan with a couple tablespoons of olive oil to make fry a few cloves of garlic, piquillo peppers together, season and sprinkle a couple of teaspoons of sugar, confit leave for about 8 minutes, turning occasionally over low heat. Join a 100ml of cream and bring to a boil, cook for about 3 minutes. Shred and set aside.
- With a short-pasta, bread once toasted go cutting the reasons that we like and insert a skewer stick.
- Fry the artichoke chips for this purpose, a mandolin cut the artichoke clean outer leaves and lay it in flour and deep frying, place on absorbent paper.
- Fit the glass with hot pepper sauce on the bottom, cod brandade warm up, a couple of artichoke chips skewers and toast. Recipe
tv3 Cuines program.
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artichokes * 12 * 100g
bacon, 1 clove garlic
4 eggs * 1 / 2 pint of cream
* salt, pepper, parsley
* piquillo pepper sauce
flour * Extra virgin olive oil
- Cook 10 whole unpeeled artichokes in a pot with salted water and parsley, cook for 20 minutes, cool. Peel then (more sheets are taking advantage to do so) until you reach the tender leaves and cut in half and set aside. Meanwhile, saute the chopped bacon with a garlic clove and set aside. Beat eggs, season, join the parsley and mix with the cream. In a large round cake pan (can be done individually), buttered and dusted with breadcrumbs, go accommodating artichoke halves, spread the bacon and go gold joining tablespoons egg mixture until all ingredients ending. Put the toilet M ° for 45-50 minutes at 180 ° C.
- With two whole raw artichokes, outer leaves removed and with the help of a mandoline to cut sheet, go through flour and fry. Remove on absorbent paper and bake 15 minutes at 160 ° C to ensure that they are more crujientes.Servir with piquillo pepper sauce that I have explained in the previous incoming. Recipe
great Webos Fritos His blog with some personal modification
* 4 large zucchini
* 200g onions 300g tomatoes
* 100g roasted red peppers
* 100g aubergine
* 1 garlic
* 300g fresh tuna
* sunflower oil
* 2 garlic cloves, bay leaf, thyme
cayenne 1 teaspoon sherry vinegar
pesto sauce * grated Parmesan cheese
* salt, pepper oil
* extra virgin olive
- Wash and dry the zucchini (in the original recipe using eggplant) and a mandolin out thin strips, fry in plenty of olive oil but not crisp and place on absorbent paper.
- In a saucepan with water to launder tuna, as it starts to boil, remove from water, dry it and put a confit in sunflower oil scented with garlic, bay leaf, thyme and vinegar over low heat for 10 minutes .
- Make a sauce with onion, garlic, when brown together the diced tomatoes, cook a few minutes, season and join the previously roasted peppers and eggplant, cook few more minutes and remove from heat, joining the chopped tuna and mix well and set aside.
- Place the zucchini strips overlapping and well together, put the filling and shaping wrap gutter.
- Prepare the sauce by crushing the basil pesto, Parmesan cheese, pine nuts and olive oil.
- For tiles of Parmesan, put the cheese on a parchment giving the way we want, we grill until brown, remove and let cool.
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- Place the spout of zucchini tuna, cover with pesto sauce and garnish with parmesan, put a few flakes of salt on the gutter. Recipe
Cuines tv3.
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* 1 package filo
brie * Goat cheese *
figs, quince
cod brandade *
quince and honey *
sobrasada * chives *
sesame butter
- Lay two sheets of filo, paint with melted butter, cut into four portions, place brie cheese and a slice of sobrasada over previously wet honey, rolled as if we were a little package and garnish with a sprig of chive previously scalded .
- On two sheets of filo pastry painted butter, place goat cheese and Print fresh figs, roll and shape of candy.
- same with brie and quince, this time we give a triangle and with sesame on top.
- proceed the same with the bags of brand, making a knotted handkerchief with chives.
- The bake at 180 ° C for 15-20 minutes, until golden. I like to serve candy goat cheese and figs with balsamic reduction.
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cod brandade *
dried apples * 1 Pippin apple
* chives *
1/2kg fresh sausage
* cocoa powder *
blue potatoes
- Roast the sausage at 190 ° C for 15 minutes with a tablespoon of olive oil. Sauté remaining tablespoon of oil russet cut into small cubes. Mash the two ingredients together and set aside. Once cool the dough, shape of nose with your hands, place on a baking tray and heat stroke to 220 ° C about 3 minutes, pass each truffle pudding by cocoa powder. I've served with the potato chips blue.
- Making an apple compote, place it in the bottom of the bucket, over the cod brandade, garnish with half a slice of dried apple and scallions
APPLE CAKE TATIN, foie gras and caramelized onion
Pippin apples * 6 *
75g mi-cuit foie
onion * 1 pastry sheet
* 40g butter
* 2-3 tablespoons of sugar
- In an oven safe bowl, in my case a deep frying pan, break the butter and sugar together over medium heat, place the apple halves, let brown for a few minutes, turn off heat, place over apples foie and caramelized onions, and especially the pastry putting it well over the edges, bake 25-30 minutes at 190 ° C, stop tuning a few minutes and turn on the serving plate. I like warm, but warm or cold water is also very good, looks good if you do it in individual molds.
At this point you deserve a round of applause jajajajajaja, has been long entry eh??, How you deserve a medal at least, was my way to reward you after such absence, and little information, even I have been a dozen entrants in the pipeline, but that's no problem, I'll ride another special jajaaja later. If you do not tell you enjoy! or you go to find baking to digest so many things lol, either way, I sincerely hope that it serves to help you plan your meals in the holidays. Take this opportunity to send a hard kiss to all my cooking for accepting my extensive proposal, I promise to choose something else for my next turn troublemaker jajajajaja. Do you take advantage !!!!!
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