Thursday, February 3, 2011

Flagyl Vd Tindamax For Bv

swan song for Jack and Meg

got the news yesterday, the worst I have had for a long time. The White Stripes, the best rock band on the planet is separated, leaving me devastated.

early XXI century, Jack and Meg White literally returned hope to the world rock scene with their unique, spectacular, loud and virtuous sound rose above the change in rotation at MTV, he decided to take its history into the trash in exchange for Britney Spears and N'Sync.

is in 1990 that they released their eponymous debut album, followed De Stijl (2000), and White Blood Cells (2001), when they began to be revealed to the world with rolon "Hotel Yorba" "We're Going To Be Friends" , "Fell In Love With A Girl." In addition to their sound that left everyone scratching their heads (how is that with drums and guitar can make things so great?), Also played with the mystery, since it made it clear their relationship, had the same name but Were brothers, husbands, boyfriends, or it was just his stage name?, We now know the truth: they were ex-husbands. They had their own rules: always wear red, white and black, based on the architectural movement that named their second album, and try to innovate and show something fun, interesting or just plain amazing with their music. That is, were a complete package, perhaps the best plan of all time.

In 2003, early consecration. Elephant (2003) is perhaps, at least for me it surely is, the best album of the decade , championed by his instant classic "Seven Nation Army."

Get Behind Me Satan (2005) could be the most uneven album from the band, although the distance I simply expected too much after the album pachyderms. The truth is that the satanic rolas incredible work includes "Blue Orchid" "My Doorbell" "The Denial Twist" and "Red Rain."

In 2007 they returned with renewed energy, and Icky Thump is one of his best work, perhaps the second best, certainly the most mature and, as always, refreshing.

Jack White writes in his infamous statement that we are not sad, now the band is not only them but all of us. I do not know if it's enough comfort to me, who dreamed repeat the incredible experience to see them live , which I did in May 2005 at the Palacio de los Deportes, one of the best concerts of my life, see Jack live is even more incredible to listen to the disc.

And yet here I am, an apostle of the guitar of Jack and Meg battery, wanting to make the world see that yesterday was one of the worst days in the history of rock.

Please believe me, please hear this:

Dedication: To all who love the White


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